ImageConverter Plus 8.0.94 Build 120620 Full Keygen - Adalah software converter image/gambar yang memungkinkan kita untuk mengkonversi berbagai macam image dengan format seperti
JPEG, TIFF, GIF dan PDF dalam
jumlah yang tak terbatas. Selain mudah di gunakan, dengan menggunakan
ImageConverter Plus 8.0.94 Build 120620 Full Versi kita dapat
memperbesar maupun memperkecil gambar, membuat thumbnail, mengupload ke
FTP dan berbagi image melalui email.
Feature Highlights
Convert images
Image Converter Plus allows you to convert images between popular
formats like JPEG, TIFF, GIF and PDF, as well as many more rare formats.
ImageConverter Plus supports a total of over 800 image formats.
Resize images
Resizing is one of the most popular features of ImageConverter Plus. You
can resize single or multiple images, create thumbnails of all your
photos in just a couple of clicks, or use advanced resize features to
get the exact result that you need.
Ease of use
ImageConverter Plus allows you to choose how you want to convert your
images - using the program interface or right-clicking directly in
Windows Explorer.
Output destinations
Image conversion is usually just one step in a process. The next step is
to share your image, and there are many ways to do that. ImageConverter
Plus gives you the flexibility to save converted images to a local or
LAN folder, upload them to FTP or a Picasa Web Album, or send them via
1. Ekstrak
2. Jalankan setup untuk melakukan installasi lalu run programnya
3. Klik activate it > Start Activation
4. Jalankan keygen klik generate > copas serianya ke form registrasi
ImageConverter > Next > sekarang copy activation code yang
terdapat di keygen lalu pastekan ke form registrasi Activation Code-nya
> Next
5. Selesai
Download Link ::
ImageConverter Plus 8.0.94 Build 120620 Full Keygen